MRP + Manufacturing Execution System + MES + Quality + Shop Floor + Maintenance
Everything you need in one fast and easy-to-use platform.
Free, forever, with unlimited users.
Find out why

Watch the MES in action!

Simulate manufacturing orders with the real-time planning tool, component availability and cost control.
Receive replenishment proposals at the perfect time and choose how to supply the parts: manufacture, purchase, subcontract, ship from another warehouse…

Schedule manufacturing orders and plan your resources with the help of finite capacity.
The Gantt view will allow you to make all the necessary adjustments.

Barcode reader app for mobile phones
This will allow you to process orders, streamline your operations and reduce errors related to manual data entry. It works immediately, quickly and without latency.

It also works without an internet connection, no more connectivity issues.

The Shop Floor app is useful for streamlining your manufacturing line. Organize workers, work centers, worksheets, quality tests, and more from the tablet-optimized dashboard.

Get a statistical analysis of quality issues and establish control points available on the shop floor with instructions.
Workers can send feedback through the app when they notice flaws in the manufacturing process. When ideas and information flow easily, quality is next level.

Master Production Schedule
The master production schedule is perfect for your sales and operations meetings and the manufacturing department will be harmonized with the sales department.

Produces by-products
Produces waste products by adding by-products to bills of materials.

Powerful and easy to use
Monitor components and manufacture by batch or serial number. View all your operations with a single click.

IoT Integrations
Connect barcode printers, automate quality measurements or configure your machine from the Workshop application with the IoT box.

Integraciones IoT
Conecta impresoras de códigos de barras, automatiza medidas de calidad o configura tu maquina desde la aplicación Taller, usando la caja IoT.

We grow with you.
Schedule manufacturing based on sales
Product life cycle management
Improve product design with version control
Organize the supply chain
Keep your equipment running smoothly
For engineering projects on request
Odoo efficiently enabled our company to manage revenue growth from $2.4 million to $15 million in just four years.

Jacky Lecuivre
General Manager at Coppercnic